Rights for Nature
Derechos para la Naturaleza

by Larry Lohmann

first published 19 August 2012

Increasingly popular notions of the "rights of nature", or of pachamama are often translated into the terms of a nature/human dichotomy, or are domesticated by confining them to legal practice.

Rather than exoticising them in this way, it may be more conducive to movement-building to attempt (through trial and error) to understand them in their own (current and various) terms and to relate them to their history. 

Perhaps most of all, it may be more helpful dialectically to connect the Andean, Amazonian or indigenous struggles, of which pachamama are most famously a part, with much wider political, geographical, historical and nonindigenous contexts.

A Spanish translation by Ivonne Yanez is also available here.



http://www.thecornerhouse.org.uk/resource/what-nature-does-nature-have-r... http://www.thecornerhouse.org.uk/resource/forest-cleansing http://www.thecornerhouse.org.uk/resource/reasons-nature