Support us
The Corner House aims to support democratic and community movements for environmental and social justice. We aim to pay constant attention to issues of social, economic and political power and practical strategy.
As part of our solidarity work, The Corner House carries out research and advocacy that tries to link different issues together, stimulate informed discussion and encourage broad alliances.
Everyone can join in this work, even if just by:
▪ reading what’s on our website
▪ following the links to websites of other like-minded groups
▪ sharing and talking about what you read with your friends and family, neighbours, colleagues and acquaintances.
Our work relies on the efforts of committed individuals as much as on grants from charitable foundations. Maintaining our independence from commercial, governmental, or other vested interests is crucial to what we do. We do not currently have any core funding whatsoever, making donations from sympathetic individuals particularly important.
If you would like to support our work financially and to contribute towards keeping this website going, please make a donation using PayPal. (Please note: doing so involves leaving The Corner House website -- and returning to it at the end of your transaction.)
For any questions or queries, please email us
The Corner House is a small, not-for-profit company that has charitable aims and objectives, and a tiny staff. Any contribution you can make goes a long way.
Thank you for any support you are able to give.