What people say about us
"Your report is quite brilliant. As well as yoking green and red politics together, it provided by far the most compelling post-Marxist narrative I have read since the crash."
Comment on Energy, Work and Finance report
University lecturer in English, UK
"I simply wanted to say how much I learned from your excellent Energy Security Report. It is outstanding and deserves the widest possible readership ... After making use of your work over the years in my teaching and research I wanted to at the very least send you a some fan mail and to say how much I have learned from your writing. Keep up the excellent work."
Professor, University of California, Berkeley
"I just wanted to say that your 'Beyond Bricks and Mortar' analysis and the four appendices are very timely as they are brilliant. Thank you so much. I plan to share your work with colleagues."
Activist, Indonesia
"I've said this before and I'll say it again. Almost everything I now about this surreal but so real issue [the green economy and carbon markets] is because of you!"
Activist and author, Brazil
"The Corner House is a phenomenal resource. There is bound to be something that will enlarge your scope and depth of knowledge. Depend on their scholarship. Read their reporting."
Activist, US
"I've been following your work on carbon markets for some time and have found it a terrific source of insight. I've assigned your articles in my courses and am using your ideas in my Polanyi project, where I envision a chapter on the fictitious commodification of nature in the 21st century ... [I] greatly admire your ability to combine activism and research."
Professor, New School for Social Research, New York
"The best and most cogent explanation not only of what is going on but why and who benefits that I have read."
Counterbalance/ Bretton Woods Project, UK
commenting on "A (Crumbling) Wall of Money"
"Quite the best thing I have come across."
Professor, University of Cardiff Business School
commenting on "A (Crumbling) Wall of Money"
"You and your colleagues have been at the forefront of the critique of carbon markets for almost a decade now. The Corner House website is one of the key resource centres presenting critical thought on carbon markets. Let me congratulate you for making all of your work available free of charge; it’s been invaluable for researchers like myself."
Professor, Essex University Business School
"Your climate change stuff ... helped me crack a chapter I have been having a huge amount of difficulty writing. Hooray for you."
Professor, University of California, Berkeley
"I am v. excited that you have put this together like this and I hope that it is widely read. You manage to distil v complex areas of thought and work, which of course as you say are in fact normal and commonplace for many, and to draw out the significant implications for current struggles more broadly, as well as for the 'rights of nature' impetus specifically."
Lecturer, Anthropology, University of London
commenting on "Rights for Nature: 20 Iconoclastic Theses"
"Many, many thanks for letting me read ["A (Crumbling) Wall of Money"], the result of relentless analysis, as well as prodigious research. I hope that . . . you'll also write a shorter version, say 15-20 pp., targeted to organizers, and perhaps a still shorter popular version suitable for translation. I also hope that the Corner House will video or at least audio tape a presentation of the paper, which merits the largest possible circulation."
Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy, USA
"Congratulations on your excellent work ["A (Crumbling) Wall of Money"] . . . I have been looking for somewhere to send my students which explains these issues - including the acronyms for some time - and your piece does exactly that. Also, as someone who believes that on a fundamental level finance is epiphenomenal, and mostly just reflects power in society, it is such a relief to see someone writing about it who can humanise the subject and show how class power and greed is behind the 'technology' of finance."
Lecturer in Politics and Development, University of Manchester
"I found it ["A (Crumbling) Wall of Money"] really helpful. I have been trying to understand this stuff since Northern Rock went down, well since Enron went down . . . and the subprime phenomenon hit the headlines . . . It is really important paper. From now on, we all have to include the issues it raises in our work, whether on mining, food, land, pensions, biofuels."
NGO working on corporations and agriculture, UK
"This is a great paper ["A (Crumbling) Wall of Money"]. I learned masses, i.e. re consumer credit expansion partly caused by securitisation, and re. bankers passing on risk while maintaining access to reward in several ways, debt finance being tax deductible, and securitisation helping govts dodge EU deficit requirements, hedge funds being biggest winners from the carbon market. Also about the lobbying and social networks that have promoted the current arrangements."
Eurodad, Belguim
"The Corner House Paper When Markets are Poison is brilliant."
Professor Emerita, The Open University
"I have read your papers [on carbon trading] and think they're fantastic (I am generally a big fan of all Corner House publications - I frequently use your material in classes I teach). "
Lecturer, Oxford University
"Thank you very much to this information about climate change. It will help us in our endeavor as indigenous peoples who also are by all means suffered a lot by the adverse consequences of climate change including the solution employed the Philippine governments."
Indigenous peoples' leader, The Phillippines
"Congratulations on all those importants helps in climate change you have been giving for the world. I am trying to follow this worry situations and the reference from The Corner House are essential. Here in Brazil it is terrible and inadmissible the way Lula government is taking in such a opposed of improvement the climate conditions. Well, thanks again for all those great information you produce!"
FASE, Brazil
"Thanks for your amazing output of thoughtful work."
Lecturer, James Cook University, Australia
"Thanks for your most recent articles - I found them extremely useful and engrossing, as usual."
Lecturer, City University of New York
"['Carbon Trading'] will no doubt go down as a groundbreaking expose of one of neoliberalism's most flawed creations, not just because of the straightforward eloquence of the presentation, but because of the sheer amount of research that went into the compilation . . . With over 900 citations, reading it is sort of like discovering an enormous termite nest, leaving one both amazed and horrified at what's been going on unseen . . . If you even remotely care about climate change, read this book."
"I agree with your description of ["Carbon Trading"] as 'brilliant'; I don't think it is 'out of date', or will become so for some time. "
Sustainability consultant, UK
"I was both excited and wildly depressed when I read the 'Financialization and Quantism' manuscript you released through The Corner House . . . [When I told a colleague] that I was explicitly trying to plagiarize you as much as possible . . . she responded 'who isn't'? "
Lecturer, University of Sussex
"Great stuff, thank you so much for providing the backing for the arguments [in 'When Markets Are Poison']. I have been trying to point out some of this to people - the invention of a new commodity, almost virtual, etc, without really having gone into it - but you have provided chapter and verse and elegantly too."
EcoNexus, UK
"I've managed to read your excellent essay ["Regulation as Corruption"]. I think your analysis is rock solid - I was just thinking that it fits rather well ... with the panic around climate change being an opportunity not for genuinely progressive regulation, but as continuation of a neoliberal project ... [I]t's a theory that might suggest other ways in which regulation is inevitably 'corrupt'; and also hints at the difficulty of getting 'uncorrupt' regulation: in other words, it's a way of suggesting that 'corrupt' is redundant when talking about regulation! Thanks once again for an important paper."
Contributor, 'nocarbontrade list serve'
"Thanks for great work. "
Rockefeller Brothers Foundation
"You are doing such important and unique work."
Professor, Development Sociology, Cornell University
"The Corner House's years of analyses, research and advocacy have left an indelible mark on the struggle for environmental and social justice campaigns worldwide."
Kurdish Human Rights Project, UK
"Everytime I get to your website it is so much richer . . . Before arranging my courses every term, I look on your website to see what's new."
Lecturer, University of Sussex
"I must say I was really delighted to go through your paper. For the first time, many issues suddenly became clear in my mind . . . Someone like me who dislikes to read anything to do with finances found the information, logic and connections interesting enough to finish reading 18-20 pages in one go!"
Women's health activist, Delhi
"I benefited tremendously from your thought provoking presentation [on carbon trading] at Rochester Community and Technical College, Rochester, Minnesota, a few months back. Thank you for coming to Rochester and thank you for the 'enlightenment'. ... ... Thank you, too, for what you are doing in a broader sense for everyone everywhere."
Medical doctor, USA
I am writing to thank you for all the helpful material that you have sent me ... Your help in my research can't be underestimated; particularly the paper on the financialization of carbon trading was brilliant! . . . you're great and eloquent critic of carbon trading."
Al-Jazeera television network
"Hats and possibly heads off to you: a thoroughly justified coup! I think many of us are in awe of this success. Press coverage today great . . . "
Transparency International
(Commenting on 10 April 2008 UK High Court ruling in SFO-BAE-corruption legal challenge)
"Such great result after all your collective effort! Way to go! So thrilled for you & all of us living here!"
Kurdish Human Rights Project, UK
(Commenting on 10 April 2008 UK High Court ruling in SFO-BAE-corruption legal challenge)
"Well done. Thank you, keep fighting the government fight back for the right to be corrupt and secretive in the noble cause of selling anything to anyone. "
UK citizen
(Commenting on 10 April 2008 UK High Court ruling in SFO-BAE-corruption legal challenge)
"Congratulations to you & CAAT from . . . here in Manila. Now to stop the UK government changing the law again, once again perverting the course of justice ... we live in a banana republic without the bananas!)."
UK/Philippine NGO
(Commenting on 10 April 2008 UK High Court ruling in SFO-BAE-corruption legal challenge)
"I watched the news on BBC World, 1 am Philippine time. Cheering again. Great to see blatant government complicity and cover-up on corporate corruption seen for what it is."
Philippine Indigenous People's organization
(Commenting on 10 April 2008 UK High Court ruling in SFO-BAE-corruption legal challenge)
"Many, many congratulations! Reported in today's papers here, in The Hindu! "
Professor, JNU University, Delhi
(Commenting on April 2008 UK High Court ruling SFO-BAE-corruption legal challenge)
"Your work has inspired me to do what I do. You are the international driver of a debate that is critically important to California. I will continue to follow and admire your work and look forward to continued discussion and trouble together. The California environmental justice movement appreciates you very much and keep up with the fight."
The Verde Group, US
commenting on The Corner House's work on climate
"What a fantastic service to the world you have done."
Climate Justice Programme, UK/US
commenting on 'Carbon Trading'
"One of the most important books written in our lifetime."
Little Village Environmental Justice Organization, Chicago
commenting on 'Carbon Trading'
"An absolutely splendid work, easily the best discussion of this brutal subject ... miles ahead of Gore's Inconvenient Truth."
Professor, University of California, Santa Cruz
commenting on 'Carbon Trading'
"You're an inspiration to us all! Keep up the great work."
California Communities against Toxics
"I am amazed at the depth of your research on carbon trading. No one in mainstream universities is doing work on this scale or critical depth on this issue."
Professor, University of Edinburgh
"Congratulations to all of you and a big BRAVO! This is a wonderful example of . . . the type of beautiful and non-violent action that can be useful to everyone."
UNDP adviser and lecturer on post-development
commenting on April 2008 High Court ruling in Saudi Arabia-BAE-corruption legal challenge
"Really great campaigning that can change the world! Congratulations!"
commenting on April 2008 High Court ruling in Saudi Arabia-BAE-corruption legal challenge
"What a brilliant result! I can't tell you how impressed I am by what you have done. Huge congratulations to you and everyone else at the Corner House."
Guardian columnist
commenting on April 2008 High Court ruling in Saudi Arabia-BAE-corruption legal challenge
"I heard the news through BBC World News ... Congratulations. I'm very happy on your behalf. And also on my behalf ... Some nice things do happen even under the circumstances of these wild times, don't they? ... I think I'm lucky to have such wonderful friends."
Translator, Turkey
commenting on April 2008 High Court ruling in Saudi Arabia-BAE-corruption legal challenge
"The Judges at the South African Constitutional Court have been following the Corner House v BAe judgment with great interest. It's a very welcome development."
South African activist
"Congratulations! I read the article in the Financial Times about the ruling on BAe and it made me fly ... I was really happy and so motivated I told everyone in Bankwatch as a story of how NGOs can make a difference. Really inspiring!"
Friends of the Earth Europe
"Give the Corner House gals and guys an Oscar . . . or an Alternative Nobel! . . . You have demonstrated the power of the powerless - and that it is possible and necessary to exploit the contradictions, under liberal democracy, between legislature and judiciary."
South African activist
"This is great news! Kudos to all of you!"
Public Interest Research Group, India
"From Chile, a big hug for this big success!"
NGO activist
"Who would've thought it, eh? Congratulations! Good vibes from Brazil ..."
Sao Paolo activist
"Corruption has really moved up the policy agenda thanks to The Corner House and Transparency International."
Director, Serious Fraud Office, UK
"You don't know how effective you are."
Officer, UK Metropolitan Police corruption unit
"The subtly-worked papers that come out of Corner House are medicinal doses of complexity against the plague of simplicity."
School of Forestry and Environmental Sciences
Yale University
"The rise of neo-Malthusian logic -- blaming population as the root of all environmental evils -- has become a milestone in the New Right ideology and a buttress to developing the new market economy so as to boost corporate profits. 'The Malthus Factor' is a considerably thorough review of the politics and myths behind this logic. In our struggle against the forces of Unreason imposing unsustainable development in the name of solving the economic and ecological problems of the poor countries, this book will be an effective tool."
Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies, India
"It is hard to praise [the Corner House Briefing Papers] too highly. The quality of the research and density of information makes them much more informative than many much longer books. But don't let that word 'density' put you off. Corner House publications are accessible and definitely user-friendly."
Spectre, radical internationalist quarterly
"Useful and greatly appreciated. We are starting a progressive reading/study group on the coat-tails of the immensely successful demonstrations against the WTO in Seattle ... The briefings would be perfect."
The Radical Mothers' Voice, USA
"Your publication[s] always contain new and useful information on the issues covered by our citizens' movement. But we want to express our particular thanks for 'If Cloning is the Answer... ' This paper brought together the areas of environment, health and economic justice in a wholistic approach that is greatly needed -- but generally avoided for reasons you so compellingly point out."
Citizens' Coalition for Economic Justice, Korea
"The 'Dyson Effect' briefing will be enormously helpful and thought-provoking. I find the ideas and insights contained in the report increasingly relevant in the context of the Indian environment."
Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies, India
"A big source of inspiration, excellent analysis and writing!"
Corporate Europe Observatory
"I found the paper ["Toward a Different Debate in Environmental Accounting"] massively stimulating, entertainingly novel, encouragingly practicable and, to the extent that I understand you on a first pass, the first person to achieve any coherence at all on the carbon accounting issue. . . . your analysis was superb; thanks."
Professor, St Andrews University
". . . a very good and radical intellectual analysis of some of our problems that are also pertinent to 'agrofuels' . . . replace 'carbon offset forestry' with 'agrofuels' and you will see how this early analysis is applicable to our common concern."
European Network Ecoropa