The Injustices inside Climate Science
Las injusticias de la ciencia del clima

by Larry Lohmann

first published 31 May 2015

People often talk about the unjust distribution of the effects of climate change. They also analyze injustices committed in the name of climate change “mitigation” and “adaptation”.

But, argues this brief piece in Paths beyond Paris: Movements, Action and Solidarity towards Climate Justice, edited by Joanna Cabello and Tamra Gilbertson, there are also injustices inherent in mainstream climate science, and in the ways that climate science shapes how we approach climate itself.

How climate activists orient themselves with respect to these injustices has a great deal to do with how they build alliances.

This article has been reprinted in Pambazuka and is also available in a Spanish version published in the October 2015 edition of Viento Sur.