Resources: Forestry, Power Point

2 results
Larry Lohmann

14 October 2022

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is playing a growing role in surveilling nature, creating and organizing data about nature conservation, and lubricating the circulation of pollution rights and other ecosystem service tokens in the international extractivist economy.

But what exactly is AI? What are its politics? What is its ecology? A presentation for a recent forum organized by the POLLEN Political Ecology Network introduces these and other questions about a phenomenon of increasing significance in the 21st century, and is now available from The Corner House upon request.

Larry Lohmann

15 December 2011

The distinction between industrial tree plantations and biodiverse landscapes organized in conjunction with commons regimes is not just a distinction between various vegetable assemblages, but also a social/technical/political distinction. The slave-worked plantations of the past and the industrial plantations of today do not merely prop up colonialism; they are constituted by colonialism. Today's industrial plantations are also intertwined with overaccumulation, overproduction, financialization, and many other so-called "social" things.